Classic Ping Pong Challenge

Hello everyone! I'm excited to share the first game in my 20-game challenge: Classic Ping Pong Challenge. This journey begins with a nostalgic nod to one of the most iconic arcade games ever made.

Development Journey

Creating this game was a fantastic learning experience. Using Unity, I focused on capturing the essence of the original Ping Pong while adding a few modern touches for a smooth gameplay experience. From designing the paddles and ball physics to programming the AI opponents, each step was both challenging and rewarding.


  • Player Vs Player
  • Player Vs Easy AI
  • Player Vs Hard AI

Challenges Faced

One of the biggest challenges was balancing the AI to be challenging yet fair. I wanted players to feel a sense of progression as they improved their skills, which required fine-tuning the AI's behavior and responsiveness.

What’s Next?

This is just the beginning! With 19 more games to go, I'm eager to dive into new genres and experiment with different game mechanics. Your feedback is crucial, so please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments. Your input will help shape the direction of the upcoming games in this challenge.


Thank you for playing Classic Ping Pong Challenge! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Stay tuned for more games in this exciting 20-game journey, and don't forget to share your suggestions and feedback!

Happy playing!

Gokul Surendran

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